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5 Fall Skin care tips

5 Fall Skin care tips

Hot girl summer is coming to a close and now you need to cool off. So how do you keep the same beautiful skin all year around? You gotta shift your skin care needs because the seasons change. Lessen exfoliating, hydration based products and lightweight oil products. 

Take a look at 5 tips you can use in transition of seasons: 

1. Put away your lotion and pull out the body butter

Now I know you wanna apply extra lotion but that's only going to make your skin heavy and possibly clog your pores. Less is more, but moisture is key! Invest in a body butter, Try our body butters ($7-$14) 

2. Take extra care of your lips

Licking your lips won't help, so how do you still have supple, smooth and moisturized lips in the fall? A lip scrub! Try our $5 Lip Scrub. Use 2-3 times a week, and apply a moisturizer right after! 

3. Prepare your hands and feet 

The first thing on your body that is affected by the weather is your hands and feet. Having them protected against the cooler weather is crucial. Buff away dry, cracked skin to seal the moisture in and reveal the new skin. Try our $15 10,000 steps hands & foot scrub

4. Invest in oil based products

Water based products are cool during the summer, however, the air is getting dryer and skin is craving something more soothing to the skin. Shelf your water based products and pull out the body polishes, butters and masks. Good oils to look for in your products are Sunflower oil, Sweet almond oil, Olive oil, Apricot oil and many more. 


Also, we carry those oils in our products! 

5. Clean your skin care cabinet out!

Do not hold on to products super long, after a while they lose their effectiveness. Products that are plant based and natural, at max hold a shelf life of 6-12 months. Basically, use the products! 

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